FAQ related to incubation program

Here you can find the answers related to incubation program you have been questioning


Operation related

Who is Socratus Studio?

Socratus Startup Studio is a specialized organization that provides investment and systems engineering-based comprehensive programs to support innovation-based business ideas, start-up companies and SMEs to become organically growing and functioning business systems.

What is iStep-Up program?

As investing your comparative advantage solutions and business ideas in the business system we have created, we will create long-term mutual value by installing the strategic framework of the system, improving products and services, and developing the knowledge and skills of stakeholders.

What is bizStep-Up program?

We will invest our resources in your startup company and SME to create mutual value by installing the strategic framework of the system, perfecting our products and services, and developing the knowledge and skills of our stakeholders.

Enrollment related

How to join the program?

The startup which has been selected in the "Pitch day" start-up selection process held by Socratus Studio every quarter can enroll in our incubation program after the principle is agreed upon.

How the selection process is conducted??

Program selection consists of three main parts: the application stage, the pitch stage and agreement in principle.

What are the benefits of enrolling in the incubation program??

Upon joining our incubation program, you will gain access to an array of valuable resources and support, including:
- System Engineering-Based Management Method: Learn and implement a systematic approach to manage your company's operations effectively.
- Initial Cash Investment: Receive up to 100 million MNT in initial funding to kickstart your business.
- Office Space and Equipment: Benefit from a furnished office space and necessary equipment for a duration of 2 years.
- Expert Mentorship: Gain guidance and insights from experienced mentors in various fields, including financial, accounting, legal, and more.International
- Market Access: Receive assistance in establishing connections with partners to facilitate entry into international markets.
- Tax Benefits and Exemptions: Enjoy eligibility for tax incentives and exemptions, which extend over a period of 5 years.

These resources are designed to empower your startup and enhance its chances of success within our incubation program.

Who we work with?

We work with start-up and post-launch stage startups with a comprehensive mission to develop solutions to work sustainably that is accessible and valuable to customers through innovation development.

What are our fears?

In partnership, having the stakeholders address their fears or not harboring hidden fears before collaboration prevents misunderstanding later.

1. Not to be guided by common goal
2. A founder not to spend full-time on the project
3. Not to comply with the system solution
4. To be lazy to look for the cause of the problem
5. To fail approaching problems through systematic thinking
6. Not to comply with the collective decision
7. A founder to be discouraged
‍8. To hide information about business operation and results
9. To misrepresent business results and issues